Imperial Tattoo & Art Festival

This upcoming weekend we will be closed due to the first annual Imperial Tattoo & Art Festival. We here at Unify Tattoo Company have teamed up with Inksmith & Rogers Tattoo to bring you an event like no other! There will be over 140 artists participating from around the globe. This family friendly event will have tattoo contests, live entertainment, art gallery, music, face painting & much more! For more information please click HERE to go to the ITAF website. Although Bart & Pepper will not be tattooing at the show, pleae stop by the Unify Booth and check out the amazing tattoos of Skyler Del Drago & Devin Coley! Our studio hours for this weekend will be: Thurs April 5th 11am - 3pm and CLOSED on Friday April 6th - Sunday April 8th. We will resume normal business hours on Monday April 9th. If you have or are thinking about sending an e-mail please be patient with us as our focus will be on the event this weekend, and we will get back to you ASAP afterward. Thanks for your understanding and hope to see you at the show!